Well anyone living here in the Midwest already knows this but MAN is it cold this week!! Last weekend and Monday and Tuesday the high temps were in the single digits, the HIGHS!!!Schools were closed on Monday and Tuesday due to the cold (our first "snow days" this year!) and then we got 6 inches of snow Tuesday night through Wednesday morning so we were out again. Thursday and Friday we had two hour delays due to the windchill (our elementary starts at 7:20 am so it's dark and too cold to wait for the buses)-so a great, relaxing week for me! Ellie did go to school on Monday and Tuesday so that mommy could clean, clean and clean. Our house has been in desperate need of this. Wednesday Ellie and mommy just hung out all day in our pajamas which was cozy and fun! I felt a little guilty sending her the first two days, but she really LOVES school now. I will rush to pick her up after school and she smiles and is happy to see me but then wants down to play again or will reach for her favorite teacher Miss Mandy. I'm so glad she is happy there and I feel comfortable leaving her there a little longer some days while I stay and get stuff done at school. She is now one of the three oldest babies in the nursery! I can hardly believe it! There are five new babies and they look so tiny-not that Ellie is huge but she can do so much and seems so old compared to them! Ellie is very interested in the new babies and her teacher's are impressed by how gentle she is around them. 
In other Ellie news . . . we are beginning to think she may finally be getting a tooth. She has been not quite herself this week, kind of clingy and fragile. Her tongue is out constantly and she is doing funny things with her mouth. Her gums look hard and white too. She has fooled us in the past but perhaps this is truly it! We'll let you know when those pearly whites emerge!
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This post's pictures are of Ellie in her first snow at Nana's house with her cousins Joey and Emma and in her new pink snowsuit at Young's Dairy last weekend (it's never too cold for ice cream!)
Click Joey's picture above to see more snow pictures.And here is one more videos of Ellie crawling (she really fast now!)Oh, and lest we forget Happy 15th Birthday Cousin Sarah!!!