Ellie turned 15 months old last weekend and is becoming more fun everyday. She runs, she does things purposefully silly to make us laugh, is talking up a storm and repeating most anything we ask of her and understands most everything we say to her. It's so awesome and Brian and I are enjoying this fun stage! She now has 6 teeth and so far they have all come in in pairs of two at the exact same time! She has four on the top and two on the bottom. She continues to be very interested in breastfeeding still although if busy enough she will forget about it until she gets sleepy. I'm okay letting her wean when she wants, so we'll keep going until she let's me know she's ready. She remains a little peanut, weighting 18lbs, 4 oz last week when I weighed her at my doctor's appointment. So, small but definitely healthy and progressing well!
I think I'll try to get more photos in the next couple of entries and not worry so much about the words that go with it. Enjoy the pictures of some of Ellie's summertime antics!
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